Dr. Cindy Bowman Presentation Award

Dr. Cindy Bowman embraced life in all of its wonder and challenges. She was a dedicated educator who began her career as a high school English teacher. In 1991, she became the first recipient of the James N. Britton award for excellence in the classroom. After earning her Ph.D. from Kent State University, she went on to help mold future educators at Ball State University and Florida State University before joining Ashland University as an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Cindy was a Past President of OCTELA as well as an active member of NCTE.

OCTELA is pleased to honor Dr. Cindy Bowman’s legacy by providing the Dr. Cindy Bowman Presenter’s Award. The award is given to an educator who exemplifies the enthusiasm and dedication to education that was part of Dr. Cindy Bowman’s life.

Previous Winners


William Bintz, Kent State University & Anne Pavlansky, Boardman Local School District


Christian Hines, The Ohio State University


Chrissy Corcoran, Montgomery County Juvenile Court School


Susie Overbeek, Forest Hills School District

Susan Vincent, Miami University Regionals


Sarah Detrick, Westerville South High School

Noelle Spriestersbach, Westerville South High School


Shawna Coppola, Rollinsford Grade School


Jennie Joseph, South-Western City Schools


Dr. Nancy Mack, Professor of English, Wright State University


Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. OCTELA, 4505 Kenny Road #1047, Columbus, OH 43220.

Website Last Updated January 2025.

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