Outstanding Language Arts Educator Awards

Nominations for the 2025 Award

Nominees do not have to be members of OCTELA, but each nominator must be either a member of OCTELA or a building principal. The OCTELA Outstandin Language Arts Educator Awards were established to recognize excellence in language arts teaching at the elementary, middle school, high school, and college levels. 

Nominate a colleague: https://bit.ly/nominateoctelaela1

Award Criteria

To be selected as an OCTELA Outstanding Language Arts Educator, nominees must clearly demonstrate excellence inside and outside the classroom. Outstanding Language Arts Educators will achieve exemplary scores on each of the following areas:

  • Describe how you have demonstrated distinguished language arts teaching through a focus on content, instruction and assessment (e.g. Using formative/summative assessment to identify student strengths and monitor success; extending/enriching curriculum using Ohio’s Learning Standards; enriching content to enhance student learning).
  • Describe how you have demonstrated distinguished language arts teaching through a focus on students and environment (e.g. Designing instruction that meets an appropriate level of development; creating a classroom where students take active roles; combining independent, collaborative and whole class learning to maximize student understanding and learning).
  • Describe how you have demonstrated consistent language arts leadership and advocacy in your school community and the teaching profession.  (e.g. Collaborating effectively with other teachers, administrators, school staff, and local community; taking responsibility for engaging in continuous, purposeful professional development; seeking opportunities to positively impact teaching quality, school improvements and student achievement).

Application Materials

Anyone nominated for the Outstanding Language Arts Educator Award will be asked to submit the following materials:

  • Written responses with evidence addressing the three areas above
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • Current Resume or Curriculum Vitae


Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. OCTELA, 4505 Kenny Road #1047, Columbus, OH 43220.

Website Last Updated January 2025.

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